Map and Schedule by Stop

Click on those individual stops to access all scheduled trip departure times from that stop. The numbered "Timed Stop" symbols on the map correspond to the numbered timed stops in the timetable below.

For the current status of all service including "live" bus locations and estimated actual departure times from each stop use the CATABUS Locator.

K Route Timetable

to Campus and Downtown   to W. College Ave., Old Gatesburg Rd. Bristol Park, and Cato Park
Research Drive at CATA W. Whitehall Road at CATA W. College Avenue at Bristol Avenue Inbound 1700 Old Gatesburg Road - Blue Course Medical Center   South Burrowes St. at Calder Way Pattee Transit Center Eastbound arrive: E. College Ave. at S. Allen Street depart: E. College Ave. at Allen Street across from 1700 Old Gatesburg Rd. W. College Ave. at Bristsol Ave. Outbound Research Drive at CATA
1 2 3 4   5 6 7 7 8 9 1
7:08 AM 7:09 AM 7:12 AM 7:16 AM 7:23 AM 7:26 AM 7:37 AM 7:42 AM 7:48 AM 7:53 AM 7:58 AM
8:08 AM 8:09 AM 8:12 AM 8:16 AM 8:23 AM 8:26 AM 8:37 AM 8:42 AM 8:48 AM 8:53 AM 8:58 AM
4:08 PM 4:09 PM 4:12 PM 4:16 PM 4:23 PM 4:26 PM 4:37 PM 4:42 PM 4:48 PM 4:53 PM 4:58 PM
5:08 PM 5:09 PM 5:12 PM 5:16 PM 5:23 PM 5:26 PM 5:37 PM 5:42 PM 5:48 PM 5:53 PM 5:58 PM
PM trips are in bold